Boko Haram terrorists release video of ‘kidnapped aid worker

Boko Haram members
Aid group Action Against Hunger said earlier that one of its staff members along with three health workers and two drivers were missing after their convoy was attacked last Thursday near the border with Niger.
In the three-minute video a woman wearing a bright blue hijab who says she is the abducted aid worker addresses the camera in English while seated in front of five men she describes as her colleagues.
The footage seen by AFP was released through the same channels as previous videos from the IS-linked Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP).
An employee at another NGO confirmed the identity of the missing aid worker.
– Villagers see captives –
The hostages are believed to be held in the ISWAP enclave on the shores of Lake Chad.
Villagers told AFP the kidnapped aid workers were seen with their armed captors passing through the villages of Chamba and Gatafo on the day of their abduction.
